Words from the founders

Hey! Welcome to Kofi-Kofi.
As Malaysian songwriters and a husband-and-wife duo, coffee is our daily source of inspiration. It's not just the caffeine that we crave, but the entire experience of brewing pour-over coffee. Every cup is a unique expression of the perfect balance between freshly roasted beans, water temperature, and the mood of the moment. The process is much like composing a song - it's a journey that requires patience, artistry, and passion.
We started Kofi-Kofi with the dream of curating our own coffee profiles that would embody the art of coffee. We began by working with our roaster. We sourced the finest beans from around the world and roasted them in small batches to ensure maximum freshness and flavor. And then we started experimenting, adjusting the roasting process until we found the perfect profiles for each origin or blend.
It's not just about selling coffee beans - it's about advocating a lifestyle that celebrates the simple pleasures of life. It's about slowing down, savoring the moment, and enjoying the little things that make life worth living. Whether it's the first sip of the day that helps us start off on the right foot, or a cup shared with friends and loved ones that brings us closer together, coffee is a daily ritual that enriches our lives.
With coffee, it's always a beautiful day!
Clink and Cheers,
Jackey & Tangerine